Director of General Affairs & Contracts Reports

Hugh, thanks for attending the Swm. I will take care of signing and submitting the forms once I get back. It is good that we were present. Thank you again. It is appreciated.
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On Dec 10, 2021, at 12:36 PM, Hugh Wang <> wrote:

I participated the Zoom meeting of stormwater management seminar organized by NCCo Dept of Public Works last night, it lasted for 2 and half hours, and there are 7 officers from different sections of Dept presenting the talks. The main topics of the seminar include County and DelDOT stormwater regulations; Stormwater management facilities inspection program; The importance of native plants in landscaping; Annual inspection and maintenance process; Maintenance corporation responsibilities, registration and logs; Clean stream champion program, etc. Last night presentations and recording of webinar can be saw in the link:, I also took the images of the presentations in the attached zipped file in case if someone wants to take a look (just find out the file too big to be delivered!). Now, what we need to do is: a, the 2022 annual registration form that you need to sign and submit; b, 2021 inspection and maintenance log form that need to be prepared by Bay Country and submit to NCCo. These two forms are in the attached files. Both forms need to be return to NCCo Dept of Public Works before January 31, 2022. When you meet with Dave of BVP next week, you may also let them know this issue.
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<2022 Residential Stormwater Registration Form.pdf>
<2021 SWM BMP Maintenance & Inspection Log.pdf>